A new street market worth perhaps 45,000 units has opened up in Illinois, US. The Illinois House of Representatives and Senate has passed the Video Gaming Act and the state governor is expected to sign it without comment, making it law around the middle of July.

The long licensing process will then begin, but it will provide for up to five machines for each licensed liquor establishment. The location may not own its machines, using a licensed operator who will buy from a licensed distributor - who in turn must buy from a licensed manufacturer.

No two roles can be linked. The distributor and operator must have been an Illinois resident for 24 months or carried out business in the state for 28 months.

The machines, which will be of the video terminal type, have a maximum stake of $2 and top prize of $500. The state will take 30 per cent of the net profits, with the operator and location owner splitting the remainder 50-50. Players are restricted to over 21s.

The type of game used, according to the authorities, may include video poker, line-up and blackjack games, but it is expected that most of the games will take the form of video slots with simulated reels.