A small increase in the number of AWPs permitted to operate in the Spanish region of Castilla y León will rise slightly in 2009 under plans from the provincial government.

The Type B (AWP) limit is set by an agreement between the authorities and the operating industry. The limits under the agreement are now being considered by the government and the proposal is for a gradual increase to 17,191 next year, 17,274 in 2010, 17,357 in 2011 and 17,440 in 2012.

Currently, the region has 16,980 machines, so the plan is for a gradual increase to move the figures up by 500 over the next three years.
The agreement between the local government and the operators is actually probably illegal under EC regulations covering the operation of a free market.

On the other hand, it provides some security for operators and manufacturers in that they retain exclusivity on the market in Castilla y León. The small annual increases will be divided among the existing operators in that market.