The hottest topic on the aisles of the two London shows this week was whether the exhibitions should relocate side-by-side on the same dates next year.

A majority of visitors – and many exhibitors – at the EAG International Expo at ExCel and the ICE Totally Gaming event at Earls Court, felt that co-habiting would benefit both shows from the strong cross-over element. The view was not universally endorsed however.

Currently, EAG International is set to run at ExCel from January 29-31 in 2013 while ICE, this week at Earls Court, will move to ExCel from February 5-7 next year.

There was general acceptance that much of the trade – and probably most of the international visitors – would not ‘come to London twice.’

While some of the EAG exhibitors InterGame spoke to, such as Gene Brogowski of ICE Games, felt the change in dates would make no difference to their products because they are targeting a different buyer, there were those that felt it would have a negative impact on business. Such as Embed Playsafe’s David Stenning who said: “Next year is going to be dreadful. The two shows need to be under the same roof at the same time and ExCel is the perfect venue to host the two shows. While it is our preferred choice, the EAG show will be the one to suffer unless someone is visiting purely for the amusement product on show.”

But EAG Expo show director Martin Burlin dismissed any possibility of co-habiting at ExCel in either week: “At one time, there was the opportunity for ICE to move into ExCel at the same time as our EAG International show, but another show stepped in and booked the space. The only chance for us to move in with ICE during their dates would mean we would have to occupy a hall at the back of the complex which is two-tier. I do not think that would be acceptable to our exhibitors…and I think most of them would feel that early February is too late in the year.”

More news from this year’s EAG International show, along with pictures, will appear online over the next week. While a full show report will feature in the March issue of InterGame magazine.