The vice chairman of the UK’s Independent Operators Association, Paul Langham, has confirmed that the organisation’s AGM is to be held during the Autumn Coin-Op Show, taking place on October 16-17 at Chelsea Football Club in London.
“In recent years some notable high profile shows fell victim to the tough economic climate affecting our industry,” he said. “The emergence of the Autumn Coin-Op Show is a real breath of fresh air and, following on from a pub-friendly triennial and some good news on bingo taxation, will hopefully signal a brighter future.”
Formed more than 20 years ago, the IOA is a national group of 14 owner-driven operators dedicated to boosting the machine income of their customers. It prides itself on the close dialogue it shares with manufacturers. “We work closely, not only with the larger established suppliers, but also new entrants such as 24 Seven Gaming and G-Squared,” said Langham.
The show will provide the perfect opportunity to review current product developments and to explore initiatives. “Many of our customers have indicated that they will be attending the show and we’re looking forward to meeting them in relaxed and convivial surroundings.”
The Autumn Coin-Op Show has been launched by Swan Events following requests from several prominent UK manufacturers and distributors. The event has been designed to enable manufacturers to elicit valuable feedback on new products and to deliver a much-needed networking opportunity prior to the large amusement shows early in the new year.