Experiential designer Holovis and electric motion specialist E2M Technologies are collaborating to produce motion-based solutions, focusing on high-end audio-visuals and synched real-time media.

Holovis partners E2M

E2M Technologies specialises in mechatronic product design and manufacturing, creating high-quality, durable, electric motion solutions from six degrees of freedom hexapods to custom multi-DOF solutions.

Stuart Hetherington, CEO of Holovis, said: “There are a lot of synergies between our two companies as our work crosses over in both our attractions and enterprise spaces. Bringing our teams, technologies and delivery methodologies together will strengthen both of our offerings further and lead to the development of next-generation solutions to our clients.”

Jan van Bekkum, CEO of E2M Technologies, said: “Especially with the latest entry of E2M in the durable redundant electric motion market for entertainment, the synergy between Holovis and E2M is emphasised even more. We are confident the combination will lead to unique products in the attractions industry.”

The companies first met when working on projects for Adlabs Imagica, a theme park in Khopoli, India.