The UK Gambling Commission is reminding bookmakers and landlords of the law on betting in pub premises after fines totalling more than £6,000 were levied on a bookmaker and pub landlord in Cumbria.
On May 26 at West Allerdale Magistrates Court, DSL Betting (Cumbria) pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the use of premises to provide facilities for betting when no appropriate licence was in force; and providing facilities for gambling not holding a licence or being exempt. The company was fined a total of £4,500 and ordered to pay court costs of £625 and a £15 victims surcharge.
In March 2011 at the same court, the pub’s licensee, John Reid, pleaded guilty to providing facilities for betting without a licence. He was fined £650 and ordered to pay costs of £75 and a victims surcharge of £15. The case was prosecuted by Allerdale Borough Counci, which was supported in its enforcement action by both the Commission and Cumbria Police.
The Commission has worked consistently with licensing authorities and the police to warn bookmakers, publicans and club officials that commercial betting is not allowed in pubs and clubs. A Commission leaflet explaining the issue was published back in February 2008 and has been distributed widely.
The Commission’s director of regulation, Nick Tofiluk, said: “Commercial betting is not allowed in pubs and in the majority of cases landlords are quick to take action to keep illegal betting off the premises.This prosecution demonstrates that if individuals persist in illegally offering betting in pubs then the Commission will support its local partners in tackling the issue.”
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