The Queensland, Australia, government has again deferred The Star Entertainment Group’s Gold Coast licence suspension after noting the casino operator’s “positive progress” towards remediation.

The Star Entertainment Group

The licence suspension was originally set for March 31 this year, but this has now been pushed back to September 30.

Attorney general Deb Frecklington said the government is “satisfied” after talking to the Star Gold Coast’s special manager, Nicholas Weeks, that the company has been actioning the steps required to avoid losing its licence.

But she insisted the deferral “does not prevent us from taking immediate action” should The Star fail to meet its remediation obligations.

Weeks’ placement at The Star’s Gold Coast property has been extended until September 30 so he can continue to oversee the company’s progress.

Steve McCann, group CEO and managing director of The Star, said: “We appreciate the Crisafulli government’s decision to defer the suspension of the Gold Coast licence to 30 September 2025 and note the comments made by the attorney general and minister for justice and integrity in her press release.

“The Star recognises the importance of continuing to deliver on its commitments under the remediation plan and returning to suitability.”