Trade association Bacta says it has “compelling” and “evidence-based arguments” for the government to support its plans for the UK’s land-based gaming sector after the upcoming general election.

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Bacta said it was disappointed that the white paper on gambling reform was “derailed” by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to call a vote for July 4 – but insisted it has an action plan of activities “covering all scenarios” that may emerge from the election.

Many polls are forecasting Labour to oust the Conservatives and return to government for the first time since 2010.

However, there remains uncertainty over how well rivals such as the Liberal Democrats will do in challenging a potential Labour majority – and how the parties’ promises for gambling reform will stand up post-election.

Both parties have, in any case, outlined their plans for the gambling industry in their manifestos.

In response to the uncertainty posed to its members, Bacta built a dedicated general election website which “simplified the process to invite parliamentary candidates to venues” and hear from industry, said Bacta executive director George McGregor.

“We have action plans in place for all scenarios and are poised to hit the ground running post the election with a compelling case of evidence-based arguments to support the changes that are required for the land-based industry to be competitive and to continue contributing to UK plc,” he added.

McGregor said it is “vital” that Bacta members “open a dialogue with their elected representatives as soon as the general election results are known.

“The make-up of the House of Commons will be transformed and there’s no better time to start building relationships with the 2024 intake of MPs.”

McGregor also congratulated Bacta members for contacting their proposed parliamentary candidates and “ensuring they understand why the changes proposed in the white paper are pivotal to the long-term sustainability of the UK’s family entertainment and adult gaming centres alongside the entire supply chain.”