Spanish vending machine and coin mechanisms group Azkoyen reported a new profit up substantially from the year before.

Azkoyen logo

In 2014 profits reached €3.7m, compared with just €92,000 in 2013. Turnover was up 5.7 per cent at €122.14m.

The group reported that the turnover was over 77 per cent from parts of the EU other than Spain itself, which accounted for 16 per cent. The remainder was from countries outside of the EU. Gross operating profit was €14.8m, an improvement of 19.7 per cent over 2013.

Its core business, vending, saw the highest growth with an increase in turnover of nearly 22 per cent to €40.9m. Electronic payment systems sales reached €31m, the same as the previous year. The systems and technology division saw turnover of €50.3m.

For the electronic payment systems, which covers gaming, retail and services, turnover was up 0.8 per cent. The biggest markets were Spain and the UK.