The first ever Autumn Coin-op Show was established in response to demand from the UK industry, following the demise of the Preview show, which had previously occupied this post-summer position.

Electrocoin - ACOS

Swan Events, organiser of the EAG International exhibition in January, took on the challenge of finding a location in London, which is notoriously difficult. The choice of Chelsea Football Club’s Stamford Bridge stadium was inspired, but not completely without its drawbacks, as no dates are 100 per cent guaranteed to be available for exhibitions. Should a football fixture have to be moved, that would take priority over anything else.

Fortunately, for the 25 companies exhibiting at the inaugural show, this did not occur and the location undoubtedly attracted the visitors. Chelsea FC’s stadium is situated only a stone’s throw from the Underground making it very convenient, it has the added attraction of plentiful parking and a handful of on-site hotels and restaurants.

Click here to see pictures from the event.

The long, narrow space of the exhibition hall allowed for a depth of three rows of stands but the show is already almost at capacity. “This show cannot grow much bigger,” admitted Karen Cooke of Swan Events. “We do not want ACOS to be a large exhibition which might compete with EAG, that was never the intention. We have space for around another seven companies and then the show will be at capacity.

"We are extremely pleased with the way the first show went and gratified that we have already been approached by a number of companies hoping to exhibit either for the first or second time next year.”

Next year's edition of the show is to take place on October 13-14.